Quote Number | EVQ-111584 |
Quote Date | July 30, 2019 |
Valid Until | August 4, 2019 |
Total | $11,818.79 |
10 Page Website Development – $9,800.00 - CMS Website software development specific to an Online Automotive and Paint Shop with eCommerce based features and full (24/7) administrative access including the following features and functionality for usage within the internet and digital marketing including but not limited to social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn).
Hrs | Qty | Service | Rate | Price | Sub Total |
1 | Domain Name Registration We’ll register your domain name(s), www.al-qayyumauto.biz or www.al-qayyumautos.me for one year and remind you to renew it on your behalf before expiration. |
$60.00 | $30.00 |
1 | Annual SSL Certificate Billed Annually - Boosts Google search ranking, compatible with all major browsers, and displays a Security Seal on your site. |
$64.99 | $64.99 |
1 | CMS based Automotive and Paint Shop 1. Customized programming and design including theme colors, layout and content |
$9,800.00 | $9,800.00 |
1 | Contact Form DB Provides database capture of forms and allows download into Excel Spreadsheet or .csv files for analysis or lead follow-up. |
$300.00 | $300.00 |
1 | Website Based GOOGLE Analytics Allows GOOGLE analytics and reports within the website dashboard |
$300.00 | $300.00 |
3 | Billed Quarterly - Essential Hosting Billed every 3 months. Save 10% by paying quarterly for your website and data hosting: - unlimited send and receive for 12 email addresses including Level One Cloudflare CDN |
$75.00 | $225.00 |
2 | Website Training Hours of Website Training to provide understand how to accessing, modifying and use your new web platform. Max attendance: 3 persons |
$75.00 | $0.00 |
3 | Technical Support Months of Online technical support for website corrections and ongoing maintenance. |
$75.00 | $0.00 |
Sub Total | $10,719.99 |
Tax | $1,098.80 |
Total | $11,818.79 |