


5113 S. Harper Avenue
Suite 2C
Chicago, IL 60615

office: 773-347-9788

Invoice Number EV-137482
Invoice Date July 6, 2017
Due Date July 6, 2017
Total Due $0.00
Flanagan Injury Law

1525 E. 53rd Street
Suite 834
Chicago, IL 60615

Phone: 773-789-8529

Restore photos from Eventreks LLC backup files.  Image files and photos are missing after an administrative changeover.  GoDaddy (Web Host) did not back up file photos.  Only Data content is intact. Also, provide new updates per email dated 6 JUL 17

Hrs | Qty Service Rate | PriceAdjustSub Total
3 Web Site Maintanance

Restoration of 31 web images on the website to original layout and format.

3 Expedite Fee

Work needs to be performed immediately or emergency basis

Sub Total $312.00
Tax $0.00
Discount -$75.00
Paid -$237.00
Total Due $0.00