This is a Balance Invoice for $150.00 of the project total



5113 S. Harper Avenue
Suite 2C
Chicago, IL 60615

office: 773-347-9788

Invoice Number EV-137496
Invoice Date August 23, 2017
Due Date August 24, 2017
Total Due $150.00
Sandy Beahr, USA

This website project will provide all the items below including a password protected interface to make specific content such as photos and videos publically accessible.  This will make access to some content require registration and approval from the site owner (i.e Mark Price).

Hrs | Qty Service Rate | PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Web Design

Business Starter Package - 5 to 7 pages of layout and custom design including client approved colors, photos/graphics, unlimited hyperlinks, audio clips, video clips, and administrative panel (Access 24/7) for updates

1 Home Page Slider

Integrated carousel of combined images and text

1 Domain Name Registration

We’ll register your domain name, provide web hosting and unlimited send and receive capability for 12 email accounts

1 Customized Sidebar

Add additional page side bars with customized content including images, video, and audio

1 Customized Contact Page and Form

Provides an intake form to allow customers to contact you with a specification of interest including mailing address, phone and fax number All emails are forwarded to an email address of your choosing.

1 Mobile Responsiveness

Ability to access website on any device or mobile phone

1 Website Based GOOGLE Analytics

Allows GOOGLE analytics and reports within website dashboard

1 Integrated Media Library

Repository of Image, Documents, Audio, and Video for your website

1 Contact Form DB

Provides database capture of forms and allows download into Excel Spreadsheet or.CSV files for analysis or lead follow-up.

2 Training

Hours of training to provide understand how to accessing, modifying and use your new web platform. Max attendance: 12 persons

3 Technical Support

Months of Online technical support for website corrections and ongoing maintenance.

1 FREE | PAID Membership Access

Requires registration to access your website including specific earmarked content for coaches and scouts. General content and content can still be viewed by the general public without registration.

Sub Total $250.00
Tax $0.00
Project Total $250.00
Amount payable for this Balance Invoice
Deposit -$100.00
Total Due $150.00

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