This is a Balance Invoice for $6.90 of the project total




5113 S. Harper Avenue
Suite 2C
Chicago, IL 60615

office: 773-347-9788

Invoice Number EV-137509
Invoice Date October 12, 2017
Due Date May 17, 2018
Total Due $6.90
Dan's Chicago's Best

2523 W 79th St
Chicago, IL 60652

Tel: (773) 737-6695
Hrs | Qty Service Rate | PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Web Design

Business Starter Package - 5-7 pages of layout and custom design including client approved colors, photos/graphics, unlimited hyperlinks, audio clips, video clips, and administrative panel (Access 24/7) for updates

1 Data Setup and Configuration

Setup of all services available from your company including taxation, fees and delivery charges

1 Mobile Responsiveness

Ability to access website on any device or mobile phone

1 Customized Contact Page and Form

Provides an intake form to allow customers to contact you with a specification of interest including mailing address, phone and fax number All emails are forwarded to an email address of your choosing.

1 Contact Form DB

Provides database capture of forms and allows download into Excel Spreadsheet or.CSV files for analysis or lead follow-up.

1 Blogging with Social Media Integration

Allows you to publish articles from your website 24/7 in text, video, audio and pictorial formats with integration to Facebook, Linked, Twitter and Google+

1 Advanced Integrated Media Library

Repository of Image, Documents, Audio, and Video for your website

1 Frequently Asked Questions

Showcase (12) of your most frequently asked or key questions to answer clientele

1 Online Menu and Ordering

This web development provides an online menu and advance order taking for pickup including the ability to process debit/credit card orders. It provides your customers to view the meal, beverage or dessert items in customizable categories and create online profiles for repeat orders. Additionally, provides the ability to process reservations via OpenTable or In-House.

*Control number of days allowed to place an order
*Control pickup hours to choose
*Set minimum time to get pickup
*Allow customers to choose pickup of orders
*Get pickup data on order details page via fax, email and/or tablet/laptop
*All texts, labels, and headings are open to customization
*Coupon System
*Upsell and Cross-sell capability
*Bank Wire, PayPal or Stripe gateway compatible

2 Training

Hours of training to provide understand how to accessing, modifying and use your new web platform. Max attendance: 12 persons

3 Technical Support

Months of Online technical support for website corrections and ongoing maintenance.

1 Customized Menu Section

Customized menu section allows customers to preview menu by category for prices, entree title, and prices online

1 Custom Client Account Profile

Allows clients to update passwords, edit address, edit phone numbers, add photo ID. Additionally clients may track previous and current orders and print/view recepits.

1 One Click Re-Order

Allows customers to re-order previous orders with "one click". Customers may also alter the order with modifications (i.e. add or remove previous items before checkout)

1 30centDiaspora Landing Page

Customized Lead generation page to collect dat from various online, radio, television, word of mouth, and SMS campaigns.

Sub Total $5,647.98
Tax $578.92
Project Total $6,226.90
Amount payable for this Balance Invoice
Deposit -$1,200.00
Paid -$5,020.00
Total Due $6.90

Thank You for choosing Eventreks!

Wire Transfer via WinTrust Bank
1145 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette, IL - 60091
Routing/ABA Number: 071001368
Account Number: 4952876409