

5113 S. Harper Avenue
Suite 2C
Chicago, IL 60615

office: 773-347-9788

Invoice Number EV-137531
Invoice Date October 18, 2017
Due Date October 19, 2017
Total Due $2,948.09
Dan's Chicago's Best

2523 W 79th St
Chicago, IL 60652

Tel: (773) 737-6695

The additional features discussed for the 30centdiaspora Campaign are listed below. You may phase many of them into the project over phased periods. Or incorporate them all within the first implementation. Phases are listed within the Item Titles. Phase One items are required to commence the current project.

Hrs | Qty Service Rate | PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Domain Name Registration and Parking - P1

Registration of two additional domain names, along with minimal web hosting and unlimited send and receive capability for 12 email accounts each including domain parking for and

1 Domain Name Transfer - P1

Move from current host to Eventreks servers to allow email capability and hosting:

1 Paid Business Membership Directory - P1

Business directory with descriptions and portals which allows Revenue Share and patronage betwen visiting business and consumers. Directory also allows multiple levels of paid business membership.

1 Award and Point System - P2

Allow award of points for consumers to spend with various businesses within the directory and 30centDiaspora Directory.

1 Meetup Publishing and Announcements - P2

Allows publishing of Business Events and Acvtivities of Business Member Directoy including special items giveaways and sales.

1 Social Media Business Pages - P1

Creation of Facebook, Twitter, LinedIn and Instagram pages intergrated and dynamically linked to the 30centDiaspora website with visibile real time tracking of new likes and follows.

1 Affiliate Program - P2

Allows consumer and business tracking of referral visits and purchases. Builds reports on activity in real time.

1 SSL Certificates

Provides additional security for website domains that perform eCommerce transactions and boosts search engine optimization.

7 Marketing Campaigns

Social Media, Radio, Television, and SMS campaigns developement and execution to be provided by Eventreks LLC

Sub Total $2,674.00
Tax $274.09
Total Due $2,948.09

Thank You for choosing Eventreks!

Wire Transfer via WinTrust Bank
1145 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette, IL - 60091
Routing/ABA Number: 071001368
Account Number: 4952876409