Invoice Number | EV-137698 |
Invoice Date | January 29, 2018 |
Due Date | February 18, 2020 |
Total Due | $0.00 |
Hrs | Qty | Service | Rate | Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
1 | CV-Resume Website 3 Page Website including your own specialty domain, ( 3 email addresses (i.e, custom contact form, portfolio section (photo gallery), downloadable resume, and optional password protect for permission based guest viewing. Also includes 24/7 online access to update your portfolio and photos. and contact form data review. |
$350.00 | 0% | $350.00 |
3 | Billed Quarterly - CV/Resume Hosting Billed every 3 months. Pay quarterly for your website and data hosting: - unlimited send and receive for 3 email addresses including Level One Cloudflare CDN and Annual SSL Certificate. |
$12.50 | 0.00% | $37.50 |
Sub Total | $387.50 |
Tax | $39.72 |
Paid | -$427.22 |
Total Due | $0.00 |
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