


5113 S. Harper Avenue
Suite 2C
Chicago, IL 60615

office: 773-347-9788

Invoice Number EV-137714
Invoice Date January 24, 2020
Due Date September 14, 2020
Total Due $0.00
Covenant Consulting Incorporated Network
Hrs | Qty Service Rate | PriceAdjustSub Total
3 Billed Quarterly - Essential Hosting

Billed every 3 months. Save 10% by paying quarterly for your website and data hosting: - unlimited send and receive for 12 email addresses including Level One Cloudflare CDN

12 Cloudflare CDN

Billed Quarterly - CloudFlare CDN (Level One) makes your website load faster in any part of the world by caching its content and distributing it over multiple data centers. When foreign visitors access your website, our CDN delivers the content much faster from the closest data center to them. CloudFlare also protects your site by identifying and blocking malicious traffic to it.

Sub Total $90.00
Tax $9.23
Paid -$99.23
Total Due $0.00

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