


5113 S. Harper Avenue
Suite 2C
Chicago, IL 60615

office: 773-347-9788

Invoice Number EV-137617
Invoice Date November 17, 2018
Due Date December 25, 2018
Total Due $0.00
Alleviate Inc.

This invoice represents an annual billing for our services.

Hrs | Qty Service Rate | PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Billed Annually - Domain Name Renewal

We’ll renew your domain name for one year.

1 Billed Annually - Essential Hosting

Billed Yearly - Annually for your website and data hosting: 5MB of storage, Level One Cloudflare CDN, SSL certificate, and unlimited send and receive capability for 1 email addresses.

Sub Total $189.00
Tax $0.00
Discount -$30.00
Paid -$159.00
Total Due $0.00

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